Friday 7 November 2014


1. Separation magic at home between
wife .sister.brothers to make
separation between in these relation
2.. Malignancy Enmity of heart .. It start the
3 disease magic can spread special and many
disease by magic
4 . The magic to kill someone. This magic is very
dangerous and also called
a dangerous waar by this magic can finish the life
of any one in this magic
the magician prepare a clay pot and write some
amulet and search for devils
ghost and to whom want to kill take the hair of
that person or any thing of
that person used and make doll from these things
like hair or other things
of that person tease that person by using
common pins or needls in that
doll or statue made or by the help of powerful
ghost devil drop this clay
pot to that person and the fighting and many
problems start at that person
5 .. Fix time period magic. This magic for year
month. Week and this for
any work. If this magic prolonged and pass time
like year or many this can
be cure by the magician
6 .. Making mental by magic .. By the help of
magic can make a healthy
person mentally ill
7. By the help of magic making the ghost evils
slaves and oder them to do
what we want and by magic evil ghost enter in
human body and give them pain
which is not bearable
8.. Ladies personal problems by the magic
menstural internal disturbance un
bearable pain like feeling of burning. ,
swelling ,vomiting, nausea , not
feeling well and specialy back pain
And not can give birth these are magic for
specialy female
10. In this magic can make the person lazy he
she can't do any thing even
can't do any work by his her wish even mind and
heart not want to do any
thing and feel laziness and this magic for making
person lazy
11 restrictions magic can stop marriages ,work ,
divorce,sexual contact ,
business restrictions and many more are include
in this restriction magic
12. Eye sight magic this is done by firoun
magician and Russian look like
snake this kind of magic can be learn by the help
of monkey eye
13 .. Love magic ,, by the help of
This magic can bring love in other
person heart if it is done for female so use the
male water and this amulet
can write and can give female to drink
14. The magic which keep the person away from
Islam and shetan they happy
to keep men away from.Islam
15 . The magic on animals ,, the magic can also
be done on.animals like
the milk of animal stop , sudden death ,and many
other diseases and many
more done by this magic

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