Friday, 14 November 2014


There are many types of black magic spells, the majority of which primarily focus on doing harm to someone. Say you were treated unfairly in a recent job fair and lost a new position to one of your peers. There are black magic spells that can be used to cause them to be ill or possibly even have a fatal misfortune. Perhaps someone has cast a black magic spell on you, and you want to go on the offensive in order to keep them at bay. Black magic can also be cast to gain money or otherwise cause a favorable outcome to the caster at the expense of otheThe experts of gramary say that Chaldean practice is one of the toughest most practices and one has to work a lot more than harder to get it. But the net result is that one, who gets hold on it, is able to do such things which are beyond human wisdom and this is done through gaining control over all the spirits. Those patients,who are never cured by the doctors, are cured within minutes. But no doubt, this type is forbidden in Islam.

The second of gamary is comparatively easier than the first; and this is practiced in India excessively. In such type, calling out and sacrificing things for various gods like bhuwani, chumari, luuna, bheron and misc others. Also by lighting essences, and applying fragrances on their places, they are called upon and then controlled. This too is forbidden.

The third type is to control the spirit of any robust person by reciting non-islamic words and they are then forced to work as slaves. This too is not allowed.

The fourth type, the quotidian life of any person is spoiled in a way that things are jumbled up, and nothing seems right in place. Nothing is visible and if some thing is visible then it seems terrified.

Black magic, Mephistophelean magic, Indian magic etc. whatever – there is no difference because the source of all of them is evil and forbidden. There are certain banned conditions which the practitioner of these has to imply on, and must act him self as well. The base things to please the creatures are certain impurities like excretions etc. and to eat these, and to cover these on body is basic condition. Such practitioners demand physical relationships with the women mostly as their charges which they are forcibly brought in to.


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